What Do You Want from Your Association?

Glenda Mostek CNGA Executive Director By the time you receive this E-Magazine, we will have met with industry leaders at the Horticulture Leadership Retreat, and will...

CNGA Represented at Colorado State FFA Convention in Pueblo

On June 7-8, I had the honor of attending the Colorado State FFA convention in Pueblo. Along with Glenda Mostek, CNGA Executive Director and...

CHREF Update

We hope you’ve been having a great season so far – it’s been a whirlwind. The Nutrien Agricultural Sciences building at CSU is officially finished...

‘Agriculture’ vs. ‘Other Agriculture’

Are nurseries and greenhouses ag? Are we not ag? Are we some nebulous classification of ‘other ag,’ and what does that mean for us? Glenda...

CSU Nutrien Building Opening Celebration Held in May

The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Opening Celebration of the CSU Nutrien Agricultural Sciences Building was held May 3. The new Ag Sciences building replaces...

Overtime Rules for Agriculture Go into Effect November 2022

Senate Bill 21-087, passed last year, removed agriculture's exemption from overtime. Overtime pay for ag workers is being phased in, starting in November 2022,...

CNGA Board Report: GreenCO Legislative Update – 2022 Session

Current Legislation: The Second Regular Session of the 73rd General Assembly has concluded as of May 11th. There were 657 bills introduced this year, 418 by...

So Much To Do, So Little Time

Almost everyone I ask about their job essentially says: “So much to do in so little time.” How can this possibly be true when...

CNGA Board Report: Legislative Update – 2022 Session

The Second Regular Session of the 73rd General Assembly convened on January 12th, 2022. With the COVID-19 pandemic making the past two sessions much...

HERE FOR THE MEMBERS: How Did You Come to Believe That?

What is more common these days at a meeting, on social media, or on TV than someone loudly proclaiming the validity of their political...
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