Top 12 Waterwise and Colorful Annuals

With climate change happening, do we need a marketing change? After experiencing the driest April on record and years of various stages of drought,...

Top 10 Methods for Finding New Hires in the Green Industry

Finding new staff is considered one of the biggest challenges by many employers of horticultural workers. The Colorado Nursery & Greenhouse Association (CNGA) reached...

Four Problematic Garden Insects

Over the past year many homeowners have given increased attention to their yards and gardens. Their awareness has also increased about the kinds of...

Keep CNGA Strong and Relevant

As we roll into yet another spring here in Colorado, we face a new set of challenges. If you’ve been in this industry long,...

Tips for End-of-the-Season Perennial Care – Retailer

By Lon Vincent, CCNP, Manager, Wilmore Outdoor Living Center In August, many people give up on gardening. Their minds are turning to fall, and rather...

Top Host Plants Preferred by Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles have many preferences. It’s harder to find plants they avoid. Cheryl Smith, CDA Division of Plant Industry, provided the following list of...

Increase Summer Income with Education & Eggs

You don’t have to sell eggs. You can – they’re a good example of a specialty product to sell at your retail greenhouse or...

The Mutual Benefits of Internships

Internships = Inspiration + Relationships By Ashlie A. Tagawa Mohr, HR Manager at Tagawa Greenhouse Enterprises LLC At Tagawa Greenhouses, we are proud of our internship...

Popular Annuals & Perennials

By Matt Johnson, Sales Representative, McHutchison Horticultural Distributors Award-Winning Annuals There are so many annuals to choose from; below are some of my favorites to add...

Propagating our Futures – A Millennial’s Perspective on the Green Industry

As a recent graduate from the Department of Horticulture at Colorado State University (CSU), I have just begun my transition from the world of...
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